A Better Place

A Better Place

I wish I could be in a better place

A place that is full of happiness, joy, and contentment

A place where I do not feel constantly judged by those around me

A place where I can be myself

A place where I can love myself

A place where all my guilt, depression, and anxiety will go away

A place where it is okay to not be okay

A place that will look past all my flaws and mistakes

A place that will love me for all my good qualities and kindnesses 

A place that is warm, kind, and open

A place that I can feel free to go to whenever I need 

I have yet to find this place even though I have been looking for it all my life 

But I know someday I will find it, and everything will be alright

For I will have finally found a better place

Rachel, in her late 20s, is a wife, daughter, and mental health advocate who lives with anxiety and bipolar disorder. Rachel creates poetry to express her ideas, thoughts and hopes for the future.

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